Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holi-Holi-day on the corner

Hello all and welcome back to Merick's Corner.. I have been away for awhile but i am here to kick in the new year with new blogs and a new attitude... Here are some of the things i have been up to... 

The Macy's Parade, The First snow storm of the season on the corner, and taking my mom to see the rockettes...

I hope everyone is having a great holiday on there on corner....There is no place like the NYC corner on the holi-holiday's... I hope all of you who stop by are having a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends.... A speacial holiday prayer to all my friends who hang with me on the corner....
The blessings we ask for this season
Aren't the kind that come wrapped with a bow;
We're asking for gifts from the heart,
Ones we need and never outgrow.
May we see in these bright decorations
With their colors and lights all aglow,
The beauty and wonder of life
That God's world was created to show.
Let the peace and goodwill of this season
Be feelings that we can extend
Far into the following year
To our neighbors, our family, and friends.
Most of all, may we always remember
To open our hearts every day and share all the love and the joy
In a special and meaningful way.

So until next time... walk good...talk good and see you next time on Merick's Corner.. and dont forget to follow my blog by becoming a member... hope to see you all and dont forget to check back with me in 2010...  Merick

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